Client : Longyuan Engineering.
Project Value : R 570 million.
Adenco Construction was the electrical contractor on De Aar 1 Maanhaarberg a 90 MW, 67 tower wind farm and on De Aar 2 North a 140MW, 96 tower wind farm in the Northern Cape South Africa for EPC, Longyuan Engineering.
Adenco completed all the external electrical connections to the 163 wind turbine generators; the IPP Step Up Substations; Eskom Substations.
The project entailed:
Maanhaarberg :
- 60 km of 33kV overhead line with OPGW & ADSS
- 67 x 1.8 MVA transformers
- 100 MVA IPP & Eskom substation.
De Aar North:
- 100 km of 33kV overhead line with OPGW & ADSS
- 96 x 1.8 MVA transformers
- 140 MVA IPP & Eskom substation.