Renewable Energy

Our Renewable Energy Division is well established and has a track record of note.

We have the skill set; plant & equipment; systems ; know-how and experience to undertake and execute multiple renewable energy all in one go.

South Africa is addressing a number of challenges in its energy sector, including the need to meet growing demand, as well as diversifying its energy mix away from coal, which accounts for 75% of installed capacity.

The South African Government has decided that the renewable energy sector should have a key role in its medium to long-term energy planning program. The government’s Integrated Resource Program (IRP) 2010, a 20-year national energy plan, foresees a big increase in the country’s energy capacity and a gradual introduction of renewable energy sources until they account for 30% of electricity generated in South Africa by 2030.

We have worked on these projects amongst others:

  • Castle 89 MW Wind Farm
  • Msenge 68 MW Wind Farm
  • De Aar 1 and De Aar 2 Wind Farms
  • Neusberg Hydro Overhead line
  • Aurora Solar
  • Gouda 138 MW wind farm